- - he can talk to dogs by speaking to them normally, and understand what they're saying through observation and listening to their barks.
- - kazuki can speak english and mandarin fluently. and he can mostly understand cantonese and japanese. his weakest languages are spanish and arabic, both of which he butchers quite often.
- - his english name is "Hope", something that is a major source of embarassment for him. his mother picked the name intentionally, and his birth certificate has "Hope (Kazuki) Jin" written on it.
- - he has martial arts experience through amateur boxing and CQB training from the military, although he intentionally loses fist fights against humans to avoid seriously hurting them.
- - his clothes usually rip apart during his bestial transformation, leading to interesting moments when his humanity returns. he wears massive pants to combat this issue.
- - he is terrible at video games.
- - his drink of choice is rum, he typically carries a flask full of havana club (which he acquires illegally), and he has a fancy collection at home for drowning his sorrows.
- - on the subject of indulgences, kazuki also carries a pack of pall mall reds with him at all times. he smokes these using his father's old zippo lighter.
- - his handwriting sucks.
- - he frequents concerts for his favorite bands, and has a large collection of dark moody music to listen to.
- - his favorite film is "Blade Runner", with "The Matrix" being a close second.
- - his favorite book is "The Running Man" by Stephen King.
- - he is always carrying a firearm.
- - silver bullets are incapable of killing him, due to a lack of european werewolf heritage in his bloodline.
- - cutting his head off (using a really heavy blade) and setting it on fire (using napalm) will kill him.
- - for halloween 1982, a much younger kazuki transformed into his wolfen form for his "costume", thus exposing a large number of los angeles citizens to the supernatural.
- - everyone believed that it was just an elaborate costume.
- - his grandfather fought in the second world war as a member of the 442nd infantry regiment, making kazuki the third in a line of japanese-american soldiers.
- - his favorite food is chinese beef noodle soup, especially the soup served at his favorite joint in chinatown.
- - he sometimes lurks the 90s web, even making his own website (which this is a meta reference to), to document his own life.
- - he has a monthly subscription to "Playboy". his favorite issue is october 1999.
- - he is great at texas hold 'em and mahjong, something which he usually uses to torment oblivious gamblers and cocky friends.